Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test

We all experience color a little differently. If your profession relies on precise color judgment, understanding your own color vision becomes crucial. The Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test (FM100) offers a simple and reliable way to assess your ability to distinguish colors.

We all experience color a little differently. If your profession relies on precise color judgment, understanding your own color vision becomes crucial. The Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test (FM100) offers a simple and reliable way to assess your ability to distinguish colors. This test requires specific lighting conditions, similar to natural daylight, which can be achieved using specialized booths.

Used for over 60 years by governments and industries worldwide, the FM100 test measures and ranks your color perception. It involves arranging colored caps in a particular sequence based on their hue (gradations of a color). The test uses four trays containing 85 colored caps, representing variations across the entire color spectrum. Your ability to order these caps accurately reveals your color vision aptitude.

Benefits of the FM100 Test:

  • Identify Color Deficiencies: The test helps determine the type and severity of any color blindness you might have.
  • Evaluate Color Vision for Jobs: It provides a thorough analysis of your color vision, suitable for professions requiring accurate color perception.
  • Verify Other Color Vision Tests: The FM100 test can act as a reliable benchmark to confirm the results of other color vision assessments.

For frequent users of color vision testing, specialized software is available to simplify the FM100 scoring process. This software offers various analytical and administrative tools, allowing you to save results, view them in different formats, and analyze them using various algorithms.

For a physical test, please feel free to contact with us.

Online test: https://www.xrite.com/hue-test

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