Cosmetics and Beauty Product Developers who want to take their creativity to the next level will love the Pantone Beauty Bundle. We’ve combined four of our favorite products for our FHI customers — the FHI Color Guide, FHI Metallic Shimmers Color Guide, the new SkinTone™ Guide, and the Color Match Card — to give you access to 2,800+ Fashion, Home + Interiors coated Pantone Colors, plus 138 spectrally matched skin tones.
Thanks to a comprehensive range of metallic shimmer shades, there are endless possibilities to create unique and eye-catching makeup and skincare products. With over 200 colors to choose from, you can be sure to find the perfect shade to make your product stand out in the crowd.
Speaking of perfect shades, you asked for more diversity and we listened. The new Pantone SkinTone Guide provides an essential range of 138 skin tone shades — including 28 new colors that go deeper into yellow undertones and darker skin tones — giving you the power to choose the very best colors to complement a more diverse range of customers.
The Pantone FHI Color Guide offers access to over 2,625 colors. Combine it with the metallic and skin tone shades, and you’ll have even more options to create unique and dynamic products.
Finally, there’s a big reason to love our Color Match Card — it makes it simple to grab inspirational colors in physical spaces on the go. This tool is exclusive to the Pantone Connect digital platform, and with it, you can easily pull colors from each of the color libraries to create and share digital color palettes.
The Pantone Beauty Bundleis an indispensable tool for product developers who want to stay ahead of the curve and create trendsetting products that catch the eye of beauty enthusiasts worldwide. The guides are easy to use, and the low price makes it a cost-effective way to elevate your products and stay competitive in the market.
- Portable fan deck in a two-volume set with 2,625 colors
- Seven colors per page on 4.44 cm x 2 cm paper chips made of lacquer stripe coating on paper
- TPG (Textile Paper – Green) suffix indicates the latest evolution of the FHI product line – we removed all lead and chromium content from the TPX products to offer a safer and environmentally friendly product
- Each Pantone SkinTone number is comprised of a four-digit alphanumeric number. The first two positions reflect the hue or undertone of the skin. The second two positions represent the tone or lightness and darkness of the skin.
- Digital values available in Pantone Connect
- Includes color index
- All FHI TPG Colors for hard surfaces match back to our FHI Textile Cotton System Colors for textiles and soft goods
- Produced pigment on paper (nitro-cellulous coating), similar to a paint sample
- TPM (Textile Paper – Metallic) suffix indicates that it is a metallic color in the Fashion, Home + Interiors System
- 138 colors numbered from 1Y01 SP to 4R15 SP
- Each color is identified by a unique Pantone Number representing both tone and undertone
- Colors developed to present the best color match under D65 (Daylight 6500K) lighting
- Use for color inspiration, specification, and production at the office, in the lab, or on-the-go
- Ideal for product design, fashion accessories, trimmings, footwear, hard home and housewares, personal care, interiors, color cosmetics, and consumer electronics
- Beauty
- Fashion
- Product Design